Apex Job Manager (AJM)

Optimize your EDA compute and personnel resources with Apex Semiconductor’s job management solutions.

The Apex Job Manager (AJM) is an EDA-centric grid-computing middleware platform that seamlessly integrates with industry-standard grid managers such as IBM Platform LSF™ and SLURM to provide sophisticated EDA job management tools. AJM’s database facilitates sophisticated reporting and analysis by storing result, resource, and performance data.

Apex Job Manager

  • Traditional completion monitoring and pass/fail reporting
  • Aggregate job management via AJM Flights
  • Robust error handling for unusual events: Crashed jobs, host failures, memory and disk oversubscription, etc.
  • Resource management workloads: High-volume/low-loads such as register-transfer level (RTL) simulation, low-volume/high-loads such as physical design runs, and everything in between

Optimize your EDA compute and personnel resources with Apex’s job management solutions.

AJM Database

  • Traditional pass/fail reporting
  • Support for storage of individual failure messages and aggregate failure signatures
  • Automatic capture of compute and license usage as well as workspace and source-code-control state for resource reporting, analysis, and prediction
  • Automatic seed generation and storage to facilitate pseudo-random job management

AJM’s database is customer-extensible — limited only by available storage and your imagination.

AJM Analysis

  • Traditional, strategic resource management:  What jobs use the majority of our resources? Are we bottlenecked by CPUs, memory, or licenses? When do our jobs run?  Can demand be more evenly distributed?
  • Tactical job/flight management: What queue should this flight of jobs be submitted to? Can this flight of jobs run as a job array?
  • Unique predictive analysis: Real-time job augmentation. Predict memory and license requirements and submit jobs with appropriate resource requirements. Predict the likely root cause of a failure, and include it in the failure message and/or signature.